Seseka Seka

occupationGlamour Artificer & Glassmith
nameday27th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon

A lalafellin adventurer who is known for her flexibility in both life and battle, taking on almost any job if the coin is good. Their boisterous and flippant attitude betrays the gruesome work she is accustomed to. They're always on the move, rarely staying in a town for more than a couple days after they've finished a contract.Between work, Chachamu will throw herself at anything immediately interesting. Be it delving into a new profession, opening up a merchant stall, learning painting, or anything under the sun: she will put her all into it. However, even with how frequently they are employed, their coinpurse is always emptied by the end of the week.


Born in Ul'dah, Chachamu had been used to picking up odd work since very young. Her mother, a conjurer chirugeon, made just barely enough gil to support the both of them. During the long hours her mother was away, Chachamu was constantly working selling flowers or doodles to any travelers and merchants on the Sapphire Avenue Exchange that would give her their time. With the little gil she'd gained, she'd often buy gifts for her mother after a long night at the clinic. As she grew a bit older, merchants at the exchange would end up hiring her for any small work they needed, be it gathering herbs, delivering receipts and orders, or eventually even travelling with them around Thanalan to help load carriages and be a conversation partner.She also learned conjury from her mother from a young age. She'd use her talents to help the merchants of Thanalan and eventually joining the Adventurer's Guild at 15 years old. After a few years of taking on leves with members of the guild, helping her mother at the clinic, and continuing to take on odd jobs, she would travel to Gridania to both further her knowledge of conjury and learn other trades.

seventh umbral calamity

At 19, she had found herself serving as a chirugeon's assistant at the far edge of Carteneau during the Battle of Carteneau. She witnessed Bahamut arise from the shell of Dalamud firsthand. Most of the day is a blur to Chachamu, but the sight of the elder primal is seared into her mind. Afterwards, she made way back to Ul'dah as soon as possible to find her mother. The city was in ruins. She would learn that her mother was killed while directing hurt citizens to the clinic after the buildings began crumbling onto the street. For the next five years, she would travel across Eorzea to help her and her people rebuild. This would lead her to take on all sorts of trades in order to help anyone where she could.However, instead of having a straightforward philanthropic path, she found herself helping all sorts of types. From combat medic to tavern greeter, to brothel barmaid, to gardener, to covert assassin — her desires to help others were gradually less motivated by benevolence and more so by cold, hard gil.

present day

These days Chachamu is still an adventurer, though she seems to take things much less seriously after the rebuilding efforts have bore fruit. Her main focus now is to make coin, have fun, and enjoy the scenery. These days she runs a Chocobo Carriage Taxi service and has recently transformed her home into a cafe.



  • open commissions — Fliers titled in large, cursive lettering "Glass & Glamour" are stuck on many market boards across Gridania, the Lavender Beds, and Ul'dah. They list glassware, gifts, glamour prisms, and other things you can buy at her stall in Gridania. Also detailed is her custom glamour prism service under the heading, "Have anything. Be anyone."

  • glass — Seseka has been working as a glassmith for as long as she can remember. While her specialties are glassware, small sculptures, and prisms, she is very flexible and more than willing to help with whatever your glass-related needs may be. Lab tools, lenses, gifts, weapons, windows, marbles—you name it.

  • glamour — While you can find preloaded prisms at her stall with generic formal clothing for events, her true skill with glamour prisms is to craft illusions you can use on demand: no reference item or arcanima knowledge required. Instead of needing a caster to cast the glamour for you, simply use the prism at your discretion. Typical orders tend to be to change the appearance of weapons, clothing, or oneself, but she has also crafted prisms for adding magical effects to events, hiding secret passages or locations, and making oneself invisible. Whatever you need, she is happy to help you find a solution.

  • protection — To do collect, craft, and sell all of her prisms, Seseka has to do a fair bit of travelling on her own. With little in the way of combat know-how, it's not uncommon for her to hire mercenaries and adventures to accompany her on miscellaneous adventures for materials and mercantile endeavors.

  • painting — A part of Seseka's glamour creation process sometimes includes imagining things she cannot bring home or what does not exist, which she is incapable of doing. To compensate for this, she will often go on excursions to paint subjects to have visual reference for them in the future. For this purpose, she would go almost anywhere and can be sometimes found in surprising places.


  • hoarding — Seseka's unique glamour prism process that requires having whatever a customer may want the appearance of on hand, or at least something visually similar to it. From gilded treasures to fabric buttons, she needs it all for her work and is constantly collecting whatever she can get her hands on. She will often accept rare objects in lieu of gil for favors if it isn't in her collection.

  • self defense training — These days, Seseka travels mostly on her own. She may have a bit of knowledge with thaumaturgy, but not enough to feel comfortable holding her own. She's been searching for ways to improve her combat ability to better protect herself and also lessen the toll of hiring mercenaries on her wallet.


  • the resistance — Much of Seseka's glamour artificing knowledge comes from an apprenticeship working closely with the Ala Mhigan resistance. They helped provide the resistance with glamour prisms to aid their scouts, upkept the glamours concealing their locations, and worked with them on wherever glamours may be used for their missions. If you were there, you may have seen a plucky, pink-haired lalafell giving prisms to the relevant soldiers. You may have also heard about the small commotion her fellow apprentices made about her getting people killed with her shoddy prisms. It wasn't much longer before she wasn't seen with them anymore.

  • voidsent research — While glamours have been used for Gods know how long, it is exceedingly niche as a subject of study—especially for someone who creates them in the ways Seseka does. In recent years, she has been looking for opportunities to study voidsent (preferably without dying) and their natural usage of glamours and transfiguration to augment her own methods. While she hasn't told anyone about this, she's searching for trustworthy collaborators to aid in her research.

The Maker's Mark

New Resident Glamourer & Glassmith | carrd

  • One of the guild's more recent members, Seseka is eager to prove her usefulness and carve out a place for herself.

  • Introduced to the guildmaster by R'oa Metellus after learning she was in need of a space to work.

R'oa Metellus

Acquaintance with a Shared Past | carrd

  • One of the few souls who knows of Seseka's past with the Resistance, although she doesn't know it.


patron deityNald'thal
  • Seseka has aphantasia and is unable to visualize


skin tonebyeb


  • First item

  • Second item

  • Third item


Hi, I'm Chamu! I've been playing FFXIV on and off since 2013 and I'm a WHM main! I'm relatively new to FFXIV RP and haven't been in the scene much since ARR, so please bear with my janky writing. If you'd like to plot anything out with our characters, feel free to shoot me a message in-game or on Discord (username: chamu). I look forward to learning!Outside of FFXIV, I'm a freelance illustrator primarily drawing fantasy OCs. I'm also big on D&D and am playing two campaigns right now!

stylemirror/ paragraph


  • I generally prefer RPing in-game but am open to RPing on Discord.

  • The thoughts and views of my characters are not always reflective of me as the player. OOC and IC are separate and should be treated as such.

  • Lore bending is a-ok with me! Seseka's glamour artificing is built around a chunk of homebrew thoughts which you can peruse here (wip).

  • I am primarily looking for slice of life and adventure RP, but I'm open to trying out combat, dark drama, mystery, and other genres if you have any ideas with my characters!

  • No ERP. We can talk about potential sexual relationships between characters, but I am not interested in writing erotic scenarios in detail.

  • I will not RP with WoL characters and do not prefer echo-related plotlines. I like them and I like talking about them, but in general it's not what I'm looking for in RP.

Consent in Gaming fillable chart published by Monte Cook Games.

Glamour Notes (wip)

Loose notes about glamours and glamour prisms and my personal headcanons regarding their creation. Currently very rough and subject to change.

Casting Glamours


Glamour Artificing

Glamour artificing has been a tradition since long before the calamity. The Ala Mhigan resistance have been known for their liberal use of glamours, using them to obscure their base and avoid Garlean detection for at least 20 years. Voidsent, Sylphs, and Moogles are some races known for their natural proficiency with glamours and have been studied by glamour artificers.


  • Glamour prisms project the appearance of one object onto another. Unlike conjured glamours, prisms often require a reference object to project from. However, they are significantly more accessible as magical items that do not require arcane proficiency to use.

  • Prisms are typically one-time use items. Glass prisms are the most common prism, but in the past there were specialized materials used for different items and clothing (separated by DoH class). More uses can be had with more durable and aetherically sensitive materials, but the most versatile prisms are reserved for clear materials such as white variations of topaz, beryl, sapphires, quartz, and diamonds. Due to the size of the prism required to project any reasonably sized glamour, these variations are very costly and usually purchased for military operations and/or by the exceedingly wealthy.

  • The complexity of glamours created by glamour prisms is limited by material quantity and quality (aetheric sensitivity, brilliance, clarity, etc.), as well as the craftsmanship of the prism. Adjustments to the projection can be made through recasting the magics initially imbued into the prism or physically altering the prism with facets that distort the glamour.

  • Glamour prisms can only be made with clear materials. The cloudier the material, the lower quality and less stable the glamour is.


